At the bakery we want to barter our dough for your fruit, herbs, or other ingredients.
Do you have any fruit surpluses going to waste? Are you in North Leeds? Would you like to trade what you have for some delicious bread or cake? Let's do a deal. Prices will be based on wholesale market rates. You can choose when to spend your bartered credit. Just visit the Roundhay Bakehouse at a farmers market, let it go towards your weekly delivery, or place a special order on the day we do a deal.
We are looking for surplus berries, pears, rhubarb, plums, and other fruit, herbs, or spices. Eggs too. We already have a great annual crop of Bramleys, but are very interested in bartering for other apple varieties. It's early days for this scheme. It is an experiment that will need time to evolve into a settled process, but it is one we are committed to.
All ideas, offers, and suggestions are welcome. Simply fill in the form below.